Security Systems -

Peace of mind.

Visual security.

Zone control.

Peace of mind.
If you don’t have an alarm and home security system, you need one. Here’s why, you work hard to make money to buy a home, pay a mortgage, own a car, and so your family can have nice things.
It could all be gone in a blink of an eye. Protect what’s yours. CWS uses the most up-to-date products with everything from alarms and cameras to local monitoring.

According to statistics, homes without security alarms are 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by burglars. The mere presence of an alarm system acts as a deterrent to protect you and yours! CWS utilizes the latest technology to insure your family has peace of mind in their own home. An added bonus, is with a functioning monitored alarm system, homeowners receive a 10 – 20 % discount on their homeowner's insurance.